What Animal Should I Make My Fursona
Creating a fursona is 1 of the most universal behaviours in the hirsuite fandom. 1 Defined every bit anthropomorphic brute representations of the self, furries interact with other members of the fandom through the use of these avatars, both in-person (e.g., badges at conventions) and online (e.g., contour pictures, forum handle). Fursonas can differ dramatically in the corporeality of detail they entail, and can include distinct personalities, histories, relationships, and attitudes. At very minimum, however, most fursonas include a name and a species.
Furries and non-furries alike frequently ask about fursona species, unremarkably asking well-nigh the nigh unusual species or wondering what the nearly ofttimes chosen species are. In an online study, we collected information on more 6,000 distinct fursonas, which were categorized into 852 unique species (which were afterwards organized for ease of presentation.) 2
Many of the species listed were unique and, as such, cannot be presented in lodge to preserve the anonymity of our participants. In the figures that follow, such species are aggregated in the "other" categories for the near relevant grouping.
Start, we nowadays the data for all species. We then keep with a group-by-group breakup of popular categories. Within each category, "unspecified" means that the species was but identified as the category (e.yard., within the "wolf" category assay, "unspecified" refers to people who merely put "wolf" rather than any specific breed/type of wolf).
Please note that this category breakdown is not meant to reflect biological taxonomy or cladistics, merely is instead meant to exist a close approximation of how groups of similar species "clustered" together (e.yard., the authors know that a wolverine and a annoy are not "rodents," but included them in with "small furry mammals" for ease of analysis).

* Note that the "other" category hither represents 52.ane% of all the listed hybrids (and represent unique or exceptionally rare identified hybrids).
Almost Popular Wolf Fursonas

Note that the "non-specified" category here represents 74.one% of all wolves.
Nigh Pop Play a joke on Fursonas

Note that the "non-specified" category hither represents 68.3% of all foxes.
Nearly Popular Domestic dog Fursonas

Notation that the "non-specified" category here represents 37.5% of all dogs.
Well-nigh Pop Big True cat Fursonas

The authors recognize that many of these are not "big" cats and then much every bit they are "wild" cats.
Well-nigh Popular Dragon Fursonas

Annotation that the "non-specified" category hither represents 84.vii% of all dragons.
Most Pop Mythical Fursonas

Most Popular Pokémon Fursonas

Note that the "non-specified" category hither represents 63% of all Pokémon.
Most Popular Cat Fursonas

Note that the "non-specified" category here represents 85.three% of all cats.
Well-nigh Popular Avian Fursonas

Most Popular Bear Fursonas

In addition to assessing the well-nigh pop species furries choose for their fursonas, contempo studies have also begun to look at other aspects of fursona choice. For case, one report recently looked at whether furries tend to choose fursonas that are more than feral (look similar an animal) or anthropomorphic (resemble a human). iii This question was asked equally a vii-point scale ranging from ane (Completely feral) to 7 (Completely Anthro). The results, posted beneath, reveal that the vast majority of furries create fursonas that are predominantly anthropomorphic.

In the aforementioned study, we also tested whether in that location were predictable differences in the blazon of furry who chooses a more than anthropomorphic/feral fursona. Results revealed very few differences: therians were more likely to adopt feral fursonas (and, in fact, many would not even consider information technology to exist a "fursona" so much as the fauna aspect of themselves), as were women. Factors that were unrelated to fursona anthropomorphism included age, extent to which one identifies as a furry, sexual orientation, years as a furry, owning a fursuit, and mental wellness.
In an online survey 4 wolves are, internationally, still the almost prevalent single fursona species. That said, this survey represented the kickoff time that foxes have been outnumbered by a species other than wolf: namely, dragons, who took the 2nd slot for more prevalent unmarried fursona species. Also noteworthy in this survey, despite providing around 40 unlike categories to capture the most popular fursona species, nearly one-quarter of all furries indicated having an "other" fursona species.
Fursona Species Prevalance, 2020 International Online Survey
- Other: 23.9%
- Wolf: 20.7%
- Dragon: xvi.0%
- Fox: fifteen.8%
- Hybrid: fourteen.0%
- Dog: 10.6%
- Housecat: viii.2%
- Other Large Cat: 6.9%
- Mythic/Mystic: six.7%
- Tiger: 5%
- Lion: iii.4%
- Shapeshifter: 3.four%
- Deer: iii.ii%
- Hyena: 2.eight%
- Rabbit: 2.6%
- Raccoon: 2.2%
- Behave: 2.2%
- Otter: two.two%
- Snowfall Leopard: 2.ii%
- Reptile: 1.7%
- Pokemon: 1.5%
- Were-: i.three%
- Skunk: 1.3%
- Balderdash: 1.1%
- Horse: one.1%
- Phoenix: 0.9%
- Sergal: 0.ix%
- Other Bird: 0.7%
- Goat: 0.7%
- Moo-cow: 0.half dozen%
- Mouse/Rat: 0.6%
- Unicorn: 0.half-dozen%
- Shark: 0.6%
- Crow: 0.six%
- Kangaroo: 0.six%
- Gryphon: 0.6%
- Snake: 0.six%
- Primate: 0.6%
- Raven: 0.4%
- Squirrel: 0.4%
- Dinosaur: 0.4%
- See 3.eight Number of Fursonas
- International Online Furry Survey: Winter 2011
- Anthrocon 2016 Report
- Summer 2020 Survey
Source: https://furscience.com/research-findings/fursonas/3-1-species-popularity/
Posted by: smithbanke1953.blogspot.com
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